Kompakt 160 Dci Mig/Tig/Stick Multi-function

welding machines

It combines Mig, argon, and electric welding.

High utility rate frequency change welding

   machine.  Mig and electric welding are

   140A70%.  Argon welding is 160A70%.

Mig uses 5kg welding wires.  Voltage and

   current are stepless adjustment. With function

   of stick hot start.

Tig has function of 2T/4T control, high frequency

   ignition, lift arc ignition, and slow step-down.

Kompakt 160 DCi Mig/Tig/Stick多功能焊接機
焊為140A70%;氬 焊為160A70%。
段調整。電焊有熱起 弧功能。
弧及接觸引弧及緩 降時間。


Inverter PCT-520i/625i

Multi-function machine of argon welding, electric

   welding, and electric ion segment.

It saves place in factories.  Just taking one machine

   to go out for work, and finishing work easily.

Automatic protection and warning indicator of

   abnormal heat and supply voltage. It works even

   though erroneous connection of 380V. 

Automatic current change of one-way 110/220V.

   Easily used inside and outside with design of large

   power output, high duty cycle, and lightening. 

With function of crater/off/repeat argon welding and

   electric welding.  Segment with maintaining/off function.

Inverter PCT-520i / 625i切焊多功能機:
不佔空間,外出 一台機器就能清鬆完成工作。
接380V本機自 動保護。
、輕量化設計 內外均可輕鬆使用。
,切割具 保持/無功能。


No.156, Ln. 986, Sec. 1, Xinan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Tel : 886-4-23354901 Fax : 886-4-23354413
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Email : weldgen@welder.com.tw